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Excellent Phalaenopsis Selection - Prime plus

delivery fee 0 Won
product code orch-pn-701
special offers
made in
prime minor    -70,000 Won
prime-40,000 Won
prime plus
prime superior+90,000 Won
flower color
mileage 16,500 points
member discount 0 Won
stocks 0
order quantity (EA)
total price (KRW) 330,000 Won
market price 0 Won
approx. USD 228$ / EUR 221€
Prices include GST & delivery - No more to pay
Delivery period:6 hours to everywhere in Korea
descriprtion 4 related items comments    
Liven up a home or office with this cheerful, long-lasting orchids with its branching sprays of pink blossoms. An excellent choice for any occasion.
Send our exquisite purple phalaenopsis orchid, the color once reserved for kings and queens, and your special someone will feel like royalty.
This lavish and dignity orchids have become very popular. The main reason for their popularity is the flowers last three months or longer on a graceful arching spike with many flowers.

Upgraded orchid items are made with additional stems of the highest quality and long stem.
Phalaenopsis orchids + iron container + basic wrapping + message ribbon (or card)
Prime superior: more than 17 stems of premium orchids
Prime plus: more than 12 stems of premium orchids
Prime: more than 10 stems of premium orchids
Prime minor: more than 8 stems of premium orchids

Opening of business, promotion, inauguration, birthday
Place the order by 3:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday in Korean time zone(GMT+9), and your flowers will be hand-delivered that same day! The deadline for Sunday delivery ends at 2pm on Saturday, KST
We offer FREE personal message card and ribbon services. The card(ribbon) message is written with hand script in English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese and attached on the product.
There is no additional service charges. The price is comprised of shipping cost, taxes, message card(ribbon) and delivery confirmation fees.
If you want to know more about detailed information about credit card payment and remitting on our bank account, click [ How to pay ].
We can ship to any address in Korea on the same day without exception on holiday. Note that every items has their own delivery period in light green box on right of the item photo.
You can specify arrival date and time except some busier seasons. Adding or modifing option of items needs 2~3 hours more. Normal delivery hours for a florist are between 9AM and 7PM.
We will let you know by sending confirmation e-mail after the delivery finished. And if you have the number of order, you can track your package by clicking the "track order" tab.
        Writing Point: 20