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Flower-Korea.com에 오신것을 진심으로 환영합니다. Flower-Korea.com는 수년간의 화원 운영 노하우를 바탕으로 온라인 쇼핑몰운영에 진출하였고, 유사 꽃배달쇼핑몰 홍수속에서도 인터넷 꽃배달의 리더임을 자부하며 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
상품과 서비스, 컨텐츠 등 다양하고 폭넓은 분야에서 저희와 함께 협력할 제휴업체를 초대합니다. 제휴를 원하시는 업체께서는 고객서비스팀으로 연락 주시면 신속하게 전화 또는 E-mail 로 연락 드리겠습니다.
Interested in adding value to your website without adding cost? Become a member of Flower-korea's new Performics Affiliate Program and you can do both. Simply display a Flower-korea banner on your site, or include links to our products, and connect your visitors to the nation's best florists while earning 10% commission on every sale generated from your site.
As a member of our Performics Affiliate Program, you'll enjoy:Becoming an affiliate partner is easy. Email now, and as soon as you're approved, we'll contact you with all the information you'll need to begin earning commission.
For additional information or assistance, please contact our affiliate team at .
Strategic Alliances
Are you a corporation looking for a value-added partner to support your consumers' floral and gift-giving needs? A Strategic Alliance partnership with Flower-korea brings together our experience and brand recognition in a program your consumers can trust. Whether you require a partner for a short- or long-term program, Flower-korea can develop a relationship that is mutually beneficial. For more information on exploring a Strategic Alliance partnership, please send us an e-mail.
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